Joomla 2.5
Icons for Printer / Email / Recommend etc
and also text showing the published date, author, category etc
are usually shown by default on each article
The settings can be adjusted ...
1. globally ie for the entire site here
administrator -> content -> article manager -> options (top right)
2. or in the specific menu item on 'article' menu types also has controls for these
ie in administrator -> menus -> *menuname* -> *menuitemname*
open the menu item, and look for article options drop down on the right
3. or turned on / off on specific articles
edit article - controls are on the right hand side in the 'Article Options' drop down
1 is the global
2. overrides 1
3. overrides 2 and 1
It is usually best to set a global at 1 that you want the site to show normally, and in most context's 2 and 3 to leave all the settings to follow the 'Global' settings. However; be aware that you can override the setting in a specific context if needed.
- 1 Korisnici koji smatraju članak korisnim