A few ideas for beginners


Great that you've decided to 'get a website'; and as you make some choices about your website, you may like to consider the following factors as you make some choices and decisions.

1. Will this be a fairly 'static' site, or will it be 'dynamic'?

I know these are loaded words, and who wouldn't choose the word 'dynamic' as it sounds so much better? - but what this question is addressing is whether the site will be continually being updated and changing, or whether it will be like a 'business card' that you simply print once and the basic info stays the same for a long long time.

The 'business card' approach is certainly valid, and loads of people have such sites as an extra bit of advertising to complement their usual print media advertising eg through Newspapers, Yellow Pages etc etc. The one thing to watch very carefully on this is that you "remember your website" when details change. The last thing you want is for your web site to be advertising incorrect details, or options that have long since past their "use by" date.

So - if that's the choice, make sure you put it in your diary to review the website content every eg 6 months or so, so that you're aware of what it says, and what could be / should be different.

One thing to note with this is that if this is the approach, you shouldn't really also have high expectations about how your website will rank / rate in terms of being found in search engines; as sites that are 'popular' tend to rate more highly, and that popularity is often driven by content - content that is constantly evolving and moving with the market.

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